Toronto Maple Leafs (Outdoor Practice)

The Toronto Maple Leafs held their annual Outdoor Practice at Nathan Phillips Square (Toronto’s City Hall) February 12th, 12pm – 1:30pm. They could not have picked a better weather day, +6ºC clear and sunny all afternoon. When this day was circled on the 2023 calendar for an outdoor practice, in downtown Toronto, for mid February,Continue reading “Toronto Maple Leafs (Outdoor Practice)”

RAM Rodeo Tour – Orangeville ON

RAM Rodeo Tour returned to the Orangeville Fairgrounds June 18-19 2022 to a happy sold out crowd of horse lovers and thrill seekers of all ages. The RAM Rodeo has a little something for the whole family, from professional Barrel Racing and Pole Bending, to the spectacle of the Canadian Cowgirls and the stunts ofContinue reading “RAM Rodeo Tour – Orangeville ON”